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Local Services
Hillingdon Bereavement Care
Losing someone important to us can be emotionally devastating
Visit the Bereavement Care website
Cruse Bereavement Support
Their Helpline is run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.
They'll give you space to talk about your feelings and how you’ve been coping.
National Services
Child Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK help children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. They also provide training to professionals, equipping them to provide the best possible care to bereaved families.
Sands Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Charity
Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK. Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it.
Compassionate Friends
Offers many different kinds of support for bereaved families. Whatever the cause of your loss, wherever you are in the UK, and whatever your circumstances – they are here to help.